Camera Cocktail

I have found new passion for myself .............tada ...........Photography. I sneaked into my husband's closet quietly, took his Canon 5d. This is my first monsoon in India after 7 years , and I must say I am totally impressed. Everything looks so beautifull and full of life. I was feeling dull but with first rain of the season I am again into my full form. And started thinking about what I can do something meaningfull in my life.

It was totally from inside , instantly thought of clicking shots of rain. Here you guys go :-

Below is one more shot which personally I like very much. This I took when me and my husbamd were driving and a girl came around to ask for some money. The moment I took my camera out , she got scared and started hiding her face. And the result is :-

Please let me know what you guys think about above shots!! Waiting for your responses!!!